The company is constantly researching, and trying to find possibilities for new technologies and improvements to existing ones, including those related to security for travelers.
The Apple Ecosystem
Basically, it’s a kind of digital ecosystem where different Apple devices are housed and supported by all of Apple’s existing resources and they can all be interlinked within it. To this day, almost countless innovations have been made to improve that ecosystem, for example in terms of “positioning”.
We can take a simple example, which is the integration of AirTag with the Find My app. The integration ensures users of Apple products can monitor the location of their items or assets anytime and anywhere. It is a form of integration that gives travelers peace of mind by allowing them to know the location of their assets at all times, and indirectly enhances their vacation experience.
AirTag App
The AirTag app works with the network support of Apple devices to enable accurate tracking. It can be applied to many aspects of travel, both direct and indirect. The direct application is to place an AirTag device on valuables when they are being left in a public place where the risk of loss is considerable. In the case of securing a car, someone trying to find AirTag in car is essentially trying to find the car itself.
AirTag does not work with the support of GPS technology but the device has a slightly similar way of working. Basically, the AirTag device works by supporting connections between nearly 2 billion Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. It does not work with calculations based on satellite networks but in principle it is similar.
The Role of GPS to Improve Apple’s Ecosystem
In general, GPS trackers have more advantages than AirTag devices, such as the fact that most of them can apply geofencing to set the extent to which the movement of the tracked object can be considered safe. This feature is important for monitoring “objects with unpredictable movements”, such as children and pets.
The navigation that has been done by the “whole” AirTag device can be simplified by its integration with GPS tracking systems, such as those offered by PAJ GPS. For example, when a PAJ GPS tracker is paired with Apple Maps, it will simplify the movement patterns of objects, giving users clearer and more comprehensive insights to better understand their travel routes, including how they can travel faster and more efficiently.

More “Illuminating” Insights are Not the Only Ones
The integration of GPS tracking systems in the Apple ecosystem doesn’t just mean a better understanding of routes and things like that. There are several other things, one of which is greater collaboration because access to location data is not limited to a single user, in other words, suppose in the case of a group of people traveling together, each of them can access location data, and from that data they can share information with each other.
Most GPS trackers also have a reliable battery life, ranging over 2 weeks and some trackers can operate longer. What is certain is that they can work for a long time.
The range of tracking and security features provided, wider collaboration, and longer battery life are all reasons why integrating a GPS tracking system in the Apple ecosystem can improve the user experience. It is even better than just relying on AirTag. Combining the two (GPS and AirTag in one ecosystem) undoubtedly offers more advantages to any traveler.